Web developer Marlon Matthew

Marlon Matthew

Web Developer

from San Diego, California

My Portfolio

  • Bubbles EMS
    Bubbles EMS

    To login, use "admin" for the login and "bubbles923681" for the password. Dashboard for managing employee accounts, time, pay, and schedules. Core responsibilities: Front-end design and CSS styling, database schema, application concept. Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, MongoDB, React. UCR Coding Bootcamp project #3.

    Deployed Site

    GitHub Repo

  • Gentle Drinkers
    Gentle Drinkers

    Filter through a database of eclectic craft beers to aid the selection process. Core responsibilities: Front-end design and CSS styling, database schema. Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, MySQL, Node.js, Express, Handlebars.js. UCR Coding Bootcamp project #2.

    Deployed Site

    GitHub Repo

  • Will It Stream

    Search for movies or series and see where they are currently streaming. Core responsibilities: Implemented API calls on the back-end, fixed design issues on the front end, and finalized overall design and functionality. Technologies used: OMDb and uTelly APIs, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax. UCR Coding Bootcamp project #1.


    GitHub Repo

  • Weather Dashboard
    Weather Dashboard

    Search any city in the world to retrieve current weather conditions as well as a 5-day forecast. Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, OpenWeather API. UCR Coding Bootcamp assignment #6.

    Deployed Site

    GitHub Repo

  • Daily Planner UCA6
    Daily Planner UCA6

    A 24 hour daily planner with an Amazon theme. Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery. UCR Coding Bootcamp assignment #5.

    Deployed Site

    GitHub Repo

  • ricemusic.net

    San Diego bassist Rice Enright has been a staple in the music community for many years. It was important to create this site with WordPress and Elementor, which gave him the capability to make future updates and edits on his own. Many of the services he provides as a music professional in the community are featured here. Technologies used: Wordpress, Elementor.


Technical Skills

Languages: Javascript ES6+, CSS3, HTML5, SQL, NoSQL

Skills: GitHub, MySQL, MongoDB, ReactJS, Node.js, Express, Handlebars.js, JQuery, Bootstrap, Wordpress, Elementor, Yoast

About Me

My first exposure to web design was in 1995 at a computer camp where I began learning HTML and basic graphic design. Soon after, I took a web design class in high school where I continued to develop these skills. Creating websites for personal endeavors was something I continued to enjoy doing throughout the years.

In 2016, I completed an internship with Linguistic Horizons where I learned how to use Wordpress and the many different plugins available. Shortly after, I took my first client in the local music community. Utilizing both Wordpress and Elementor, I built a website that helped him to increase his student base, receive new gig offers, and gain higher google search rankings.

I have completed a certification for a web development bootcamp in 2021 through the University of California, Riverside. My knowledge and skills as a full stack web developer have greatly expanded. I am excited to put my newly acquired skillset to use in the professional world. My portfolio showcases many of the assignments and projects that I submitted throughout the bootcamp. Outside of the bootcamp, my portfolio also showcases freelance work I completed.

Web developer Marlon Matthew